andrew ng

  • 网络吴恩达;安德鲁·吴
andrew ngandrew ng
  1. Baidu Chief Scientist Andrew Ng said that artificial intelligence is " the new electricity . "


  2. In 2009 , Andrew Ng and a team at Stanford realized that GPU chips could run neural networks in parallel .


  3. Apart from Andrew Ng , Baidu 's chief scientist , the other five advisers are science fiction writers .


  4. Andrew Ng is hunched over his smartphone , in a pantomime of key-pecking , squinting , typo-ridden discomfort .


  5. Co-founder Andrew Ng told the Chronicle that not all of the universities have joined the program but given the uncontroversial nature of the business model , he added that he expects more to join in the future .


  6. Worrying about that future is so misplaced that , as the AI pioneer Andrew Ng puts it , it is like worrying about overpopulation   .   .   .   on Mars .
